Believe and you will achieve!

Believe and you will achieve!

Music For vocabulary...

Music For vocabulary...

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Motivation/ Inspiration to start the week- Simple Reminders :)

Good day, lovely readers- How do you do on this day of utter finesse and joviality? A a lugubrious face will not serve you well at all - keep a smile on your dial and a dash of happiness in hand... I have been pondering the topic of motivation lately...much to my surprise, I came across a lovely website- ''Simple reminders'', to which the pictures below, are credited. 

I trust that these texts will be easy to digest- a morsel of motivation on which to frugally feast...Now- I must get back to my prior engagements- undivided attention in the virtual classroom.

May you smile today. May you be blessed and bless others.
Be good to each other.